Friday, June 1, 2007

Day 8

Got my thirty minutes in today, unlike yesterday. What happened yesterday? Well, I slept late and rushed to work without time to write. I got home and went out to a yoga class, thinking I'd write later, even though I had plans to go out later. I took a nap so I'd have energy when I went out later, slept longer than I meant to, woke up and had to rush...

I didn't prioritize my writing, so it got pushed aside. No good. Today could have been a similar story. I slept late, rushed to work, came home and plunked down into a nap to recover from staying up till 4 am, and woke up with a to do list the size of New Orleans banging around inside my head. BUT, unwilling to skip another day without writing, I sat down and did my 30 minutes and it was great.

Today I tried freewriting for 10 minutes beforehand, and I think it gave me more fodder for the 30 minutes that followed. I don't know that I'll always have time to do it, but it'd be nice! It's the weekend now. I won't pressure myself to write until Monday, when I'll be in the woods on a 3-day camping trip. And yes, I plan to write while I'm there! Stephen King says he writes almost every day of the year. If he can do that, I can stick to my five-day-a-week routine.

(photo of stephen king)

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