Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Step

Yes, I did it. Phew.

The draft of the novel is about 200 pages, single spaced. On one hand it feels like a giant achievement. My honey took me out to a fancy restaurant to celebrate. On the other hand I am aware of how far I have to go! I have started revising. I'm doing it by hand with a red pen. Correcting the sludgy parts is pretty easy, it's then changing them in the computer that is taking time.

I'm already ruminating over the next novel in my head. I mentioned it months ago in this blog, had started it, dropped it, etc.

My goal is to finish the revision by my wedding in six weeks. I recognize that this is probably unrealistic, but I'd love to not think about how to fix the ending while on my honeymoon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YEEEHAW!! I can't freakin' wait to read your novel!! And thank you for your writer's blog -- you are inspiring me to get back into the discipline...because really, after all, that is what writing is -- like how you pointed out the whole 'not having time' thing is just a matter of priorities....
I think writing letters count too -- I often find myself much freer when writing letters because once I send it, it's gone from me -- the editor rarely comes in and says -- are you REALLY going to write that? !! Nope, nothing archived, just pieces of paper....was it Nathalie Goldberg that set up a poetry booth in Taos at a farmers market and sold poems for a dollar a peice? Here now and then gone....I think it's a good exercise for me....I'm too much of a writer packrat....I have an arsenal of one liners that keep me from getting at the heart of what needs to come I'm trying to put a puzzle together -- or more like, I reeeeaaally want to use that x somewhere super crafty in a scrabbel match -- so i just hang onto it forever until I realize that I'm just going to have to use it in something lame like x-ray.
OK, I'm gonna go get d's sistah now (she's coming in from amsterdam...hope she brought us some booze from duty free ;)
teee heee....really it will be enough just to see her curly locks :)
like yours!! Hey, by the way, I'm getting more silvers now -- especially on my right side....I remember you wondering why I had hardly any....welp, now I'm finally being blessed with those sterling darlings -- I love 'em!